Camille takes its name from “Children of the Compost” by Donna Harraway, which are a kind of future fables in which humans are made symbiotically with endangered species. “Camille” is an exploration of the feeling that the boundaries between yourself and the natural world, or somebody else are entirely porous, and dissolving.  “I’m reeling, I’m restless, porous, amorphous!”  The song marks the labels beginnings :) 

Video directed by Rachel Sale and Alexandrea Boutsi

Edited by Nathan Bather

Animation by Sophie Koko

Camille - Deep Throat Choir - May 2020

Written and performed by Deep Throat Choir

Produced by Luisa Gerstein

Engineered by Andy Ramsay (Press Play)

Mixed by Jimmy Robertson

Mastered by Rashad Becker

Artwork: Photo by Zora Küettner, painting by Jane Tyler